
《무예도보통지》에 관한 연구 : 단병기의 기술과정을 중심으로

soma 2012. 8. 22. 21:33
  • 《Muye-Dobo-Tongi》(1790) is Korea's representative general martial arts, which was published by Lee Deok-Moo, Park Je-Ga, Baek Dong-Soo under the Jung Jo's command. It was published by referring to the 145 books of literature of Korea, China, and Japan, and consists of 24 kinds of martial arts topics and contents. Consists of longsword, shortsword, Horseback martial arts, bare hands martial arts, et cetera martial arts in 24 kinds of martial arts. Among them, the 7th shortsword of Double-handssword, Sharpsword, Japansword, Fight, Admiralsword, Countrysword, and Doublesword is listed. First, this study inquired the summary and contents of shortsword, secondly, Description processes and significance were reviewed through the contents of shortsword in《Muye-Dobo-Tongi》. This study collected, analyzed, and reviewed literature and data related to the shortsword in《Muye-Dobo-Tongi》, and the results are as follows;
    First, measurements and general description processes of shortsword were found through the summary and contents of the shortsword. Waistsword was used on all shortsword through of the shortsword, the movement names were listed as ‘∼se’, and it consisted of illustration and description. Secondly, Through general information of the shortsword, it was found that the Double-handssword was flowed from Japan to China, then to Korea, and the Sharpsword from China to Korea, then back to China to Korea. The Japansword came in from Japan and Admiralsword from China, and Countrysword had its origin on Silla and doublesword on China. The characteristics, description process, and listing purpose of Double handssword, Sharpsword, Japansword, Admiralsword, Countrysword, and Doublesword of《Muye-Dobo-Tongi》were different.
    But it was nationalization of the shortsword, nationalism and martial art's culture.
  • 《무예도보통지》에 관한 연구 : 단병기의 기술과정을 중심으로 = A Study on the ‘Muye-Dobo-Tongi’ : Focus on the Description Process of the Shortsword

    저자 : 신영권
    형태사항 : vii, 108 p. ; 26cm
    학위논문사항 : 학위논문(석사)-- 경상대학교 대학원 : 체육학과 2012. 8
    발행국 : 경상남도
    언어 : 한국어
    출판년 : 2012
    주제어 : 무예도보통지, 기효신서, 무예제보, 무비지, 무예제보번역속집, 쌍수도, 예도, 왜검, 교전보, 제독검, 본국검, 쌍검
    소장기관 :
    경상대학교 도서관